Ziggy supervises the restoration to make sure I do it right |

Video boards before and after cleaning.
Blue peaking coil has been replaced. |

One of the B+ resistors that has been replaced. |
The top of the chassis "before and after" shows considerable
improvement after cleaning. The discoloration will probably remain.
It should have no impact on performance and will be extremely
difficult to remove or cover. |

Base of tube before removal Sept 1, 2001 |

Degaussing Coil before removal Sept 1, 2001 |

Yoke before removal Sept 1, 2001 |

Neck of picture tube before removal Sept, 1, 2001 |

The cabinet with picture tube and all parts
removed. Cabinet will be taken to Goliad, TX
tomorrow for restoration. The top is already restored. |

Sept. 9, 2001 11:45A.M.
After about four decades ALL the filaments in my 15GP22
light up. Only two are visible at any angle.

Andy Cole, standing behind the cabinet,
in his workshop near Goliad, TX |

View of HV cage. |

Both controls look to be in good condition and
both check good with smooth operation. |

HV capacitor and rectifier tube socket. |